Sweden’s Finest Dj Tour Podcast 1 – Andycap

Posted on by admin

Andycap is first out with a podcast for our Swedens Finest Tour 2011. The tour goes to all the major cities in Scandinavia and the DJs on board are Özgur Can, Jesper Dahlbäck, Miss Dilemma, Tiger Stipes, Andycap and friends.






Upcoming dates:

24/09 Rainbowfestival, Slagthuset, Malmö
24/09 Yaki-Da, Göteborg
24/09 O’learys, Trollhättan
30/09 Moriska Paviljongen, Malmö
08/10 Kreuzberg, Berlin
15/10 Berns Salonger, Stockholm
02/11 Myntha, Lund
05/11 TBA, Köpenhamn
11/11 WMWL 1 year Birthday bash, Moriska Paviljongen, Malmö
23/11 Myntha, Lund
25/11 TBA, Göteborg
26/11 1903, Trollhättan
30/11 Myntha, Lund
10/12 Kollingsborg, Stockholm
17/12 TBA, Oslo
17/12 TBA, Stockholm

WMWL Podcast #1 ‘Sweden’s Finest Tour 2011’ by Andycap by Andycap

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